Education Lawyer Advocating for Special Student Services for Children in Connecticut Schools
Connecticut Family Law Attorney Serving Hartford, New Britain, Torrington, Litchfield, Granby, Avon, Canton, Simsbury, Farmington and Surrounding Areas
Sometimes a student or parent contacts a school concerned with the student’s difficulty mastering the subject matter. Other times, a teacher or other school representative contacts the family to communicate a concern about the student. A child does not necessarily need to be failing to be eligible for accommodations or special pupil services. Successful students may be entitled to and may benefit from educational support.
Typically, a PPT meeting is scheduled to discuss a child’s eligibility for special education services. We recommend that you approach the PPT process carefully. You need to be prepared for the first PPT meeting. We can explain the two federal laws that may provide support for your student, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). We can accompany you to the PPT and participate in the determinations.
There are substantial advantages to being ahead of the process. If the school conducts its evaluations first, you will be offered or refused services based on those evaluations. If you obtain the opinions of an expert beforehand, you will be prepared to dispute a refusal of services and to make specific requests for your child’s benefit. While it may cost less to defer the decision to have a private evaluation until the school district’s assessment is complete and its position is known, such a strategy may leave you without an awareness of what you should be asking for and without a way to evaluate the efficacy of any services that may be offered.
Please contact us to discuss our experiences with various consultants in Connecticut.